The rear warns : shooting at Netivot, the medium-range missiles is inevitable Officers rear handing residents Netivot, located at a distance of 15 kilometres from the Gaza Strip, a brochure with instructions on how to behave during rocket attacks. Thus, the Defense Department responded to the forecast of experts on the early shift by Palestinian terrorists at the surface-to-kasam "medium-range. - The Gaza. How safe? POLL reported that the spread in the south have been prepared 22,000 leaflets in Hebrew, 3500 in English and 650 leaflets in Amharic. These materials, which will be residents of Netivot, and environs, talk about how to conduct themselves in danger of missile attacks, and what arrangements should be made in advance. The main problem is the lack of Netivot fortified houses. Therefore, the people should elect a fortified room in every home in which people are hiding in moments of danger. The pamphlets said that reinforced rooms during the Lebanese war well demonstrated as safe from rocket attacks. In addition, residents of Netivot, given instructions on how to behave with children in a time of crisis, what courses and products should be kept under a strengthened room. Brochures containing the telephone "hotlines" in which people can call for assistance. The head of the municipality of Netivot Ihiel Zoar reported that the city is connected to the warning of missile firings "Tseva hell", and urged the population not to succumb to panic.