Condoleezza Rice is a familiar product successful assimilation. As a result of the policy of racial preferences (affirmative action), it condemns any manifestation of racial preferences. With impressive success in the academic and political fields through its race rather than mediocre scientific works, it emerged safely on Wednesday WASP (white, anglo-sakson-protestant, the ruling elites USA). like assimilirovannam Jews, it is removed from its cultural origins. Ravaged souls into questionable alliances. Rice recently launched the Arabic festival in America in the opposite titled "American special commission on the question of Palestine." Let us look at it. Ziad Asali, a Palestinian who had preziraemy even their fellows who have publicly called him a traitor. One of the self-national leaders living in the Americas, whose relationship with the American government is much stronger than on his own people. The generous offer made by Asali Israel (indignantly rejected by other Arabs) includes : the division of Jerusalem, the withdrawal of all Israeli settlements, the return to the borders of 1948, which can not be defended, inarticulate solution to the problem of Palestinian refugees (he alludes to compensate their descendants in the fourth generation) the opening of borders (Palestinian flow of migrants and workers in Israel), and the huge subsidies Palestine. This is the man whom Rice publicly thanked for their advice. Another guest will be ultra-liberalny Jewish collaborator Carl Levin. Family members hold many public offices that want to refute the notion of nepotism. Another is John Sununu, an Arab American of Lebanese descent, the only American governor, refused to condemn the infamous UN resolution equating Zionism with racism. like Asali, Sununu is a good friend of Bush. Favourite theme of his public speeches, the Israeli crimes in Palestine, the division of Jerusalem, as well as the injustices of the wall, which is about as horror prevent the infiltration of Palestinian terrorists and illegal workers into Israel. While in the post of the Chief of Saudi intelligence, Turki responsible for the funding of the PLO. During the Israeli military operation in Lebanon in 2006, Turki said that "irresponsible acts" [Hezbollah] does not justify the destruction of Lebanon by Israel. Turkey maintains official Saudi demands made of Israel : withdrawal from the strategically important Golan Heights, the return of the descendants of the Palestinian refugees of 1948, and East Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian State. Jess Aweidah, usa-palestine oligarch and activist, the holder of close ties to Bush, is not even worth mentioning. An interesting character in this forum was Mujid Kazimi, a Palestinian professor at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), which is ... nuclear development. And a great interest in Arab affairs. She compliment assembled audience, noting the enormous contribution Palestinians in the United States. Yes certainly, Sununu, ordinary bureaucrat who was dismissed from his post as head of the White House (during the reign of Bush) for the misuse of government aircraft. Aweidah, for the little investor. Kazimi - class professor. Difficult to say what sort of a uniqueness that the Palestinian contribution to America, but unless Palestinian terrorism! Rather, a significant contribution to the family Bush. Rice called his colleagues in the government Middle East, "friends and allies". "If they were her friends and allies, the U.S. is the enemy of Israel. Rice is placing emphasis : problems it describes as "Israeli" and the first in its "stretch" in Palestine. Some of the statements Rice certainly caused me smile guests-for example, when she said that they were hard to hear stories of the suffering in Israel. Rice spoke about the radicals in the attack and Hezbollah, as if these organizations, primarily consist of peace makers. Rice said that for moderate Arab leaders. They are not hard to find. The problem is only that the Arab population does not. Sadat had Egyptian public opinion to its knees and forced the country to peace with Israel; Thirty years later, the Egyptians continue to passionately hate Israel. Election Hezbollah will be the Lebanese people, and the Palestinians have led Hamas to power democratically precisely because people do not want to moderate leaders. Let us hope that the Israelis also rejected traitors Jewish interests. Strange animals from Rice : Lebanese Fouad Signora that has done nothing to stop Hezbollah "either before or after the war with Israel, and continues to do nothing to disarm Hezbollah in the present; Maliki in Iraq, which has already indicated Americans at the door; Abbas in the PLO, which nobody supported in his conflict with Hamas. Rice reiterated Bush claimed the right of Palestinians to live in a democratic State without terrorism and corruption. All the Arab governments completely corrupt. Palestine now is democratic only ruling circles in the United States, refuse to recognize that democracy, which they have so long insisted led to the Hamas. With regard to the rights of the Palestinians to live without terrorism ... They, and so without it live. Suicide Attacks Israelis, not the Palestinians, and - with the full support and encouragement of their fellow countrymen. Rice is proud to have democratic elections, which the United States insisted, led Palestinians to express their views, even if they chose Hamas. Conceived it ever on the issue of why America failed to Germany or Japan to express their opinion in 1945? Why States tore up a democratic (even obsessive referendums) Nazi government? Democracy is not an end in itself; In bellicose society is not even an option. According to Rice, before Hamas could "impair future for all Palestinians, but now to answer. She that listens to other news than all humanity? Hamas is not a robber, and the true representative of the Palestinian people, who truly hates Israel and wants to destroy all available means. Rice said that Hamas will be forced to choose either a political party or a terrorist group that condones the violence. Hamas is a real political party that resorts to violence, when it considers it necessary. Practically every party in the world is doing the same. Rice called the attack " seruval, although Hamas has the same requirements as its Arab friends in this forum : solution to the question of Palestinian refugees in 1948, the division of Jerusalem, the case of the wall, etc. Rice book description, as the U.S. government has found a way to circumvent its own self-imposed ban on cooperation with terrorist groups : assistance is being "directly to the Palestinian people, rather than Hamas. How is this so? Is in Palestine there is any organizational structure, independent of the government doing? Любая помощь, в конечном итоге, распределяется чиновниками ХАМАСа.Any assistance, in the end, is doing officials. American is not a terrorist group, but the Palestinians who were morally and materially, the group supports. Half a billion dollars a year on supporters of the terrorists ... Rice leads the facts we got from the ceiling. She calls the Palestinians one of the most hard-working people in the Middle East. Any other Arab hear such a statement would be out sarkasticski laughing. Rice puts pressure on Israel on the issue of Palestinian workers. Let it plays in the game with Mexicans. Mrs. Rice does not want to open the border deadly million Mexican workers, but Israel requires the Palestinians to open its labour market and agriculture. It is incomprehensible, but America is helping the Palestinians restructure their security forces. The Palestinians already have strong security, in the service of which consists of at least 1% of the population. What is the United States want? create a private army to Abbas in order to overthrow the democratically elected government of Hamas? Go ourselves. The military equipment and training bestowed States Palestinians ultimately will benefit Hamas. Rice finished its full hate rhetoric is a nice surprise, causing insult to the Americans : "There can be no more great heritage for America than the creation of a Palestinian state." Small achievements, ranging from the Bill of Rights, to the victory over communism, simply paled in comparison with the prospect of overwhelming Palestinian state.