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Waste water from the pit struck reservoir flooded the Palestinian village in the northern Gaza Strip
Waste water from the pit struck reservoir flooded the Palestinian village in the northern Gaza Strip. At least nine people were killed, 200 missing. Earth dam has withstood pressure accumulated in the reservoir beds, which struck Umm-naser village with a population of about 3,000. Local residents say that the flow of similar tsunami. In addition to the nine killed, 25 people were injured. Minister of the Interior of the Palestinian Authority Hani Kawasme arrived on the scene. According to some sources, enraged villagers opened fire on the officer and his followers, after which the Minister away from the village in a police car. Investigation According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, among the victims of the flood-four-year-old child and an old woman. Fighters Hamas and professionals find drowned and trapped in the ruins of houses. "This is our tsunami," said Associated Press chapter village council Ziyad Abu Faria. A woman from the village of Amin Afif called disaster happened. "We lost everything, everything was flooded," she said. Cause of dam collapse is not yet known. Representatives of the Palestinian water are investigating at the scene. According to the head of that agency Fadhel Kawasa, several reconstruction projects sewerage system in Gaza were frozen when, after the victory of Hamas in the January elections last year, autonomy ceased to be international assistance. "We had plans to build a system to treat waste water in the north of Gaza. Work to implement them were for two years. We built a pipeline and pumping station, but stopped when the problem started, "said Kawasa.
Категория: Palestine | Добавил: usa (27.03.2007)
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