Ex world champion and a public figure and journalist Garry Kasparov placed in the newspaper <Wall-Strit Jornel> article entitled (<Putin's State> Gangster). The publication Mr. Kasparov reviews recent developments socialno-politicesc s the situation in Russia and pronoziruet further developments. Article G. Kasparov, inter alia, that : <During March in Russia were held auctions, in which podcontrolnaya State-owned Rosneft bought the assets poverjenna mangled and the company itself. Many respectable Western corporations also participated in the Lamb predators, hoping to grab a piece of pie. Of course, some of the new Western shareholders Yukos is what happens, some discomfort, but in today's Russia is no no surprise. But experience surprising and unpleasant to foreign partners Russian businessmen have to take. This will happen when, on the pre-recurrent pattern of investors from the West traditionally <razvedut to dengi> and then <rousskie druzya> quick away with the tight ash cash "casami" in its foreign ownership. Otherwise, and can not be in the face of growing political and economic instability in Russia. Anyone who wants to get rich by investing money in a totalitarian state under Putin, should know that the Russian troekratny movie in its modern form. First you need to raszelovati away the principles of honesty and decency, and <vtoroe>-back disgust and kiss Kremlin <garanta> lower back. And finally, the third and kiss goodbye to your capital, gentlemen : they must wrest the power comes another government and the illegality of all prior transactions tape on the surface ... Today's <kurs Putina> if read konspectivno includes several key points. First : obobrati maximum public coffers and individuals, and then looted money to the accounts of companies and <fiziceskih lic> loyal to the Kremlin. Second : launder illegally acquired assets through the issuance of shares and auctions involving not very discerning investors from the West. Third : the suppression of public and political opposition to the Kremlin, with the help of legislative prohibitions and repression power structures. If necessary, power change electoral laws to permanently deprive citizens of civil liberties. New legislation allowing authorities and the subordinate court anything tailored to <ekstromizm> article. Fourth : establish rigorous control over the media, especially on television, which is currently being used to justify the ruling regime and its leaders. In doing so, all the problems faced by the majority of the population, the same pokorne Kremlin media accuse <ekstromistov, favour Zapad> ... Obwetshawshaya infrastructure Russian economy is collapsing before our eyes, and exposing false illusions Kremlin stability. The quality of life of the majority of Russians declined. Approximately 20 million citizens of the Russian Federation (that is, the total population of Moscow and St. Petersburg-Ed. UK) to be integrated into the new reality and live relatively well. West sees it, and they believed that this is all Russia. But this is not the case. In Russia there are 120 million people, and their continued impoverishment, and the uncertainty about their future is growing every day. Many suggest that the main reason for growing internal instability in Russia is a society nervousness eve of the elections of 2008. That is true, but this is only partially true. The existing pattern of pumping money from the different regions of Russia in the capital funds is going from bad to worse. Loot province, as in the past, concentrating wealth in Moscow and St. Petersburg, not because it is on the ground, almost all razvorovano. Rasplodovschiesa in recent years, the provincial bureaucrats have come under increasing pressure from the top. Therefore, they had to <vertetsa> gone from strength to press on those who have <pod nimi>. Now <elita> still draining money from the yet to be built <srednego klassa> but by the end of the election year will be an internal war <verhov> among themselves ... Meanwhile, the business community the West turned a blind eye to the real situation in Russia. They directly or indirectly, the Kremlin has unwittingly helping him in the repression of the democratic opposition ... Nevertheless, on April 14 opposed citizens will rally in Moscow, and the next day the Democrats go into the streets in St. Petersburg. There is no doubt that the police state Putin to use brute force, but who in the West pay attention to this? Sympathetic regime Putin Henry Kissinger calls the current government <perekhodnam> Russia, and I agree with this definition, investing in it, it is true, a very different meaning than the former U.S. Secretary of State. This is a move towards absolute dictatorship, and this is happening in full view of the overly arrogant and short-sighted political leaders of the West! >.