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An academic boycott of Israel
On Wednesday (May 30) National Association of British university teachers (University and College union, UCU) decided to declare an academic boycott of Israel in protest against dragging us "inhumane policies against the Palestinians." The decision was voted 158 members of the association, 99 were against and 8 abstentions. The "Palestinians"'s mentors mean, it is clear from the context, not the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine (she wrote) - Jews, and part trehsotmillionnogo Arab ethnic group, which has in the Middle East in 1921 and the dream of destroying the Jewish single. U under the same roof, the National Association of Science and Education (NATFHE) and the Trade union of British scientists (AUT), the largest organization in Albion has made a 120.000 lecturers at universities and colleges countries. In his statement NATFHE tried to "justify" the impossibility of continuing ties with Israeli counterparts : saying, "Such contacts are indirect support to the country, which violates the principles of humanity." Minister of Education, Professor Yuli Tamir (Labour), with its shalomahshavovskoy Ferment - this time not proarabskomu joined the chorus, and possibly mild form was disappointed "outrageous and unacceptable" the decision of British scientists and said, Israel will attempt to neutralize the boycott by some of the largest and oldest university in England, have to be there, it seems, is not collected. Israeli Ambassador to London Tzvi Hefetz put it abruptly, saying that the "one-sided and unbalanced" position NATFHE "contrary to the joint efforts of the British and Israeli anti-terror" and "stems from ignorance," and "smacks of blatant anti-Semitism." The diplomat did not fail to point out that the boycott announced in the days when Sderot and other Israeli towns Western Negev suffered heavy rocket fire from Gaza. The Knesset Commission of Science and Technology, the leader MAFDALa Zvulun Orlev called the British move "intellectuals" immoral, racist and anti-Semitic, contributing to the overall picture of the revival yudofobskih trends in Europe. This is the fourth since 2003 academic boycott, which the British education personalities are Jewish state.
Категория: United Kingdom | Добавил: usa (31.05.2007)
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