"LIKUD. "FAMILY." I think if my readers were members of the mafia (or vice versa, if the Mafia reading newspaper "Vremy"), it would not be very pleased by the fact that foreign correct nose in their family business. Because Mafia is first and foremost a family ... Let even in strong terms. However, we are not going to talk about the Mafia in the Jewish state such scourges there is not and can not be. Talk more about this happy phenomenon of "Likud". So, the city of Beersheba (not the best place on earth, frankly). In the city is "Likud" primaries. A party members there, and saw 15,000! Moreover, as early as 1999 really "Likud" members was only 3500. The massive enthusiasm? Lenin's call? Really talk languages that bosses and kablana varieties recorded his subordinates in the party fre-necessary. Equipment, came to be paid-document that you paid contributions and joined the party. Not like that you felt likud-count themselves communist. Remember that the salary was the last ... But we are, of course, bad language do not believe. As we in Israel that can not be because it can not be ever. Meanwhile, as in the past four years in "Likud" to many workers at grass-roots level-Bar, guards, etc., suddenly revealed that many of them Russian. Two and a half thousand new returnees took "Likud" call on the heart, so thousands <starah one repatriantov> who also speak Russian. And, in general, decided to arrange surgery primaries in "Likud". Since it is specifically designed to find out who will support the party in the election of mayor. Decomposition was is : Ondri Uzan, a cousin Silvan Shalom. Indeed, in this election, it might be and finish. True, but good relationship Uzan special strengths than stellar. He has been Deputy story, but Turner withdrew it from all posts and banned from all series. As explained to the Turner becouse inability. Nu-nu ... Suddenly dark shooting two candidates. These were : Sima Navon, the head of "Likud" offices in the city, and Vladimir Herzberg. Both without influential relatives and Herzberg all deficiencies still speaking. But where popersa wonder? ! Of course, many russian likudnik members in the town threatened to vote for Herzberg. So, it will be for mayor, and the charred Silvan Shalom will ...? In short, Herzberg issued every paper, and even paid 5,000 shekels duty is meant to stand. On 30 July he went to the elections ... and saw that his ballots at the polling stations up. - How? Why? - began to break it. "And you do not candidate! - calmly told him. - How does a candidate? That same my documents! , And I paid the fee. Nothing is know drive to Tel Aviv "Likud's" headquarters. How long can, briefly whether Herzberg went to Tel Aviv from Beersheba, which is in itself not near light. Found a lawyer Haberman it legal Adviser to the Head of "Likud", that is Ariel Sharon. And Habermann recognized claims Herzberg legitimate, and the Lord put ballots in the booth ... However, the problem is, the election has come to an end. And won them with a great service, Uzan! But whoever doubted. Immediately after the elections Herzberg has filed a petition with the party "Likud" court, saying that since the ballots were not so, the elections should be recognized Neactitionami.su admitted : Yes, the ballot papers had been submitted. But the election is still recognized as valid. This is clear. Uzan-member Silvan Shalom. A Herzberg who is? Filthy peasant. Ilot. Meanwhile, Sima Navon also petitioned the party court. Well, the election was not quite so ... And even it somewhere 900 votes stealed ... Not only. As I said earlier, in the capital of the Negev found "Likud" members 15,000. Of these, the right to vote was only 13,500. Why? Computer fault! Computers allowing 10% error was landfill even in the early years of the birth of cybernetics. But where in "Likud" money to good computers? The elections, as well as the peaceful throughout the election process, over some security company. Sima Navon argues that a share of stock in this company belongs ... brother Silvan Shalom. The same part is the chairman of the board of directors of the airport. Ben Gurion. Even pleased to see how the people are caught. Although, of course, Sime Navon we do not believe in Uzbekistan negoduyem about this insinuation. Meanwhile neugomonny Vladimir Herzberg continues sued with "Likud". "Likud" hard court approves : Herzberg ballots at the time of the vote had been submitted. And elections. And once the elections were, it should recognize their validity. In fact, the logic is simple. Panel members met to silent-peace make monkey-business Here they get a foreign Herzberg. All Sylvan Shalom hamula come from Tunisia. And they literally cut in a zalezaet odessit! In short, Herzberg threatened big trouble if he did not silent and ends <likud> compromise, the cestneishuu and noble party. A Herzberg unimaetsa not! Then his lawyer-Efrat Hav-harari-down office. Good office in the centre of Beersheba, in the street Hadassah. I would say Ilf and Petrov, <pri all stoyal, authorities and the Soviet sgorel>. Documents Herzberg, understandable case also burned ... Only he left a copy. Office Bar, understandable case burned in itself. No one is eardrums. Spontaneous, so to speak. Related case recently in Ashdod. There routed office block "Moledet-Ashdod". Who? Yes No! The razgromilsa! In general, today Herzberg think where it seven to hide. Because up he had no intention. I intend to seek the protection of the party "Likud" court. There he was, of course, be protected. And guards will. From the same company, which I have just mentioned. In general, a good party "Likud". If we lived in, say, Sicily, Sicily all could be proud of it.
Alexander Pibalka.