The prime minister stands by his refusal to step down even after the failed mark awarded him by the Winograd panel for his Lebanon War performance. The exceptionally damning report has prompted early signs of a mutiny in his Kadima as well as first cracks in his government coalition.
Protest groups led by military reservists who served in the war and bereaved families will lead the big protest rally for Thursday night, May 3, calling for the prime minister and defense minister to step down.
Municipal leaders of northern Israel, which sustained 33 days of Hizballah’s Katyusha rocket attacks last summer, are preparing a general strike Thursday to protest the government’s failure to stand by its pledges of adequate shelters and emergency provisions in case of a repeat attack. They complain the population has not been adequately compensated for their substantial war damage and losses. Dep. defense minister Moshe Sneh informed the cabinet Sunday that not a cent had so far been allocated for correcting gaping deficiencies in securing Israel’s home front during the Lebanon War.