Leader of the "Tafnit" retired General Uzi Dayan has organized the following initiatives : on the day when issued interim findings Records Commission Winograd at Rabin Square meet large demonstration against the government. It is expected that the draft report (Commission Winograd - red.) will be published in April. His agreeing to participate in this event have already produced by the reservists, students organizations, the residents of the border areas, politicians and Knesset members. Nevertheless, some potential participants is still not yet a definite answer. At this stage, the leftist camp about whether to accept the invitation of the organizers of the meeting, which is expected to be involved leader of the Likud party Benjamin Netaniahu. "It is not in our interest" crown "Bibi," said a politician in the number of those affected to decide whether they would be at the Rabin Square on the day of a rally. The participation in the rally is for the leader of the MERETZ Yossi Beilin is so difficult that he would prefer to defer responsibility for the decision at the party level. Of the Netaniahu reported that the leader of the Likud party is also considering its decision to participate in the demonstration. The leaders of the Labour government's Ehud Barak and Ami Ayalon waiting for the publication of the interim conclusions Winograd Commission to take a final decision on the participation in a demonstration. Senior sources in the "Kadima" said Netaniahu trying to find a common language with the social movements that are not represented in Parliament because it is unable to (alone) win electoral victory in the elections. "For Bibi is irrelevant, which would be written in the record, but he already knows what he will say at a meeting, say sources in the ruling party. - He would say all sorts of things, only that this has led to early elections. "It must be remembered that Bibi supported the decision to go to war", said the same source. Sources in the "Kadima" was reminded that Dayan was defeated in the last elections, failing to enter the Knesset : "Dayan wants to be in the Knesset, and he uses recorded Winograd as attemt", which it delivers them. " Dayan, in turn, said : "We can not allow the publication of a report in the same place and inconsequential phenomenon of foam on the waves. The Winograd should tell society very clearly : what its conclusions in the political, social and military aspects. "