Look what happens when you participate in crime: Carmi Gillon, head of the secret services (Shabak), plots numerous deadly misdemeanors with Shimon Peres, including the murder of Yitzhak Rabin, and Judge Meir Shamgar covers them up in the gritty halls of justice.
Now, when guiding your children to be law-abiding, consider by example, the wrong path you are setting the little ones on. Carmi Gillon is running for head of the city council of Mevasseret Tzion, a well-off suburb of Jerusalem, and it looks like he's going to take the race. Meanwhile, Shimon Peres is about to receive one whale of a Hollywood 80th birthday party, featuring the likes of Steven Speilberg, Oliver Stone and Barbara Streisand. Will somebody please inform these beautiful people that the only cake Shimon should be getting from them is one with a file baked in it?
like zeidy like nekhed. like grandfather, like grandson. Look what the scion of the Peres crime empire got caught doing last week:
Peres' grandson Nadav Peres (21) was arrested today by police together with a known criminal trying to steal overnight a motorbike in Ramat Hasharon.
He is in police custody now.
As for Shamgar, I don't even think you'll believe this one. Someone decided to fund him his very own Israel Democratic Institute. Yup, the man who brought us the Hebron, Rabin and Kishon coverups, and who as state attorney general, sent Amos Baranes to life imprisonment to cover for a Shabak murderer, is going to teach us dumb Israelis about democracy.
Here is the link to the Israel Democratic Institute http://www.idi.org.il/english/article.php?id=20707f8f6729db83a376afc3088c92f This is list of supporters http://www.idi.org.il/english/departments.php?did=76
This link to a message from its president
Now, let's just look at the A's of the institute directory. I'll add comments in brackets:
Justice Meir Shamgar, Former President Former of the Supreme Court
Mr. Ami Ayalon (Shabak head deeply enmired in the Rabin murder coverup and much, much more). MK Taleb Asana (Arab Knesset member which means he will destroy Israel from within). Former Justice Edna Arbel, Attorney General (Former attorney general who closed the criminal files of Avishai Raviv and is implicated deeply in the coverup of the Rabin murder). Prof. Uzi Arad, Department of Political Science, Haifa University (Netanyahu's aide who brags on his bio sheet that he is a past member of the Council On Foreign Relations). Prof. Asher Arian (Never heard of him). Attorney Yoram Aridor (The Finance Minister who was hired to destroy Menachem Begin by raising inflation to 500%. Later rewarded for wrecking the economy with post as Israeli UN ambassador). MK Prof. Moshe Arens (Who sits on the CFR's International Affairs Council).
And that's just the A's. Look how the B's start:
Dr. Yossi Beilin
The man speaks for himself, doesn't he? What a combo, Beilin and Shamgar, the Oslo liar and the Rabin liar, teaching us ignoramuses all about democracy. If it wasn't so bitterly pathetic, it might even be cute in the absurd sense. So what happens when criminals are our democracy teachers? Well for one thing, the people get ruled by practising felons and no one else.
Shall we look at some crimes? I'll preface my comments with the usual *** at the beginning and ending of the observations.