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In this moment Vladimir Zeev-Wolf Herzberg wanted to run for President of the WJC

Dear Voter!
1999, Herzberg, Olmert, Sharon and Sheetrit were candidates for Chairmanship of the Likud Party.
At present time Vladimir (Zeev-Wolf) Herzberg wanted to run for President of the WJC.
Vladimir Herzberg, Doctor of Science, Nuclear Physics, 60, Grandfather of one Granddaughter - Shely, one month age, dedicated, speak 6 languages Hebrew, Yiddish, Russian, Germany, Rumanian and English. For several decades he's been conducting a  professionally study on the Kabbalah.

I started fighting for civil rights in the late 1960s, and to this day carries on doing so. Already 40 years I'm man of faith, in the Albert Einstein
interpretation, majoring in former USSR in nuclear physics, created models of radiation processes according to the experiments of Soviet scientists, academics Yakov Borisovich Zeldovic, July Borisovitch Hariton and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov, the Father's of Soviet ThermoNuclear Bombs. I was a while director of Bank Branch in New Russia. I'm currently living in the city of Beersheba. A
newcomer from Russia in 1996, in the past, a staff member of the Centre for Economic Research at the University Ben Gurion was a candidate for the 17th Knesset in the past not so long ago the elections. Unfortunately, in the current situation, personally for me it was some kind - that's unrealistic to organize something in almost desperate political chaos of Israel. I was in the Bureau of the Likud Party member commissions Security and Council on Education, the Economy and Social Access, and Legislation. In 1999, during direct primaries, together with Mr. Ariel Sharon, Mr. Ehud Olmert, and Mr. Meir Sheetrit was candidate for the Chairmanship of the Likud Party. In 2002, running for a seat newcomer from Russia in 16th Knesset from the Likud Party, which took Mr. Michael Gorlovsky. In 2004, was a candidate for President of the Likud Party Bureau, together with the members of Knesset Danny Naveh and Gilad Erdan, as well as candidate for President of the World Jewish Agency with Natan Sharansky, which had taken Mr. Zev Belsky, by-passing democratic elections. Twice, in 1998 and in 2003 was a candidate for Mayors and Beersheba, from the Likud (in 2003).
All other candidates contending for the Who's presidency are out of touch with the needs of Israelis, adding that the organization must refocus
itself, and place aid to the State of Israel at the top of its priorities. The State is in trouble. I know what it's like to live and struggle here in Israel. WJC presidential candidate Ronald Lauder and others don't know the problems we face from first - hand experience. The first thing the WJC should do is provide aid to Israelis struggling to make ends meet, and those in Sderot facing Qassam rockets. This organization needs to come down from the sky, and come down to the level of the simple people here in Israel. We only have one country. This is our country. I live here, and I have experience. As WJC president, I would be good for all Jews and for the Jews in Israel. Second priority would be to encourage Diaspora Jews to make aliya. Israel comes first. Then we can start to encourage those in the Diaspora to come here in State without Quassam's. We cannot spend money on building new Shul's in places such Siberian. Anti-Semites and Cossacks don't needed new Synagogues there. And we cannot spend money on pointless programs, that are supposedly aimed at bringing up a new breed of Israeli citizens, men's and women's with mobile phone in hand's, for nobody could guess where are they now - in the desert or on a beach in Yaffo, and in fact through the budget  taxpayers roam all over the world, and that every day eat black caviar in another part of the World.
The money must be used to help those who are most in need now.

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