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Ramon you are right
Those who have listened to it winning Ehud Barak after the announcement of the results of primaries "Avoda" can be concluded that voters "Avoda" elected Prime Minister of the party "Kadima", "commentators noted. "Today begins a long and difficult path, which requires us to restore the balance of political leadership responsible, experienced, capable to join the State of Israel," said Barak. "Today begins our joint path, and we will try to get cooperation, and build a pool. We will do so in recognition of the importance of our mission to provide basic security to the citizens of Israel. Today begins the path corrections. But there is no government without the people's confidence. We have a great team, the team of the most experienced people with only can be presented in a political party ". The Ehud Barak knows that the people's confidence in the Labour Party. No, and there's nothing to fix, unless it would aim to win the party "Kadima". This could lead to a merger of Labour and Kadima "in a single unit. Headed by Ehud Barak. Now, after the victory over their old foes from the camp Amir Peretz (Uzi Baram, Yuli Tamir, Hagai Merom, the same company include Yossi Beilin and Shimon Peres), with whom he fought in 1998, Barak returned to the big policy after 9 years if during that time in Israel did not happen, there was the era of Ariel Sharon was not three wars and the defeat in the war, if only the country and waited for the return of Ehud Barak. In order to "fix" should be to "all the best" team stand at the head of the government and, to that end, Ehud Barak, Ehud Olmert should shift from the post of Prime Minister. From this perspective, deputy Haim Ramon was right when he advised Olmert ligament Perets-Ayalon support for their political survival. But Olmert has not heeded that advice, preferring to Barak, weaked thereby forces. Now, Barak version, so he at least has promised voters "Avoda" and the people, Olmert should resign even before the findings of the final report of grapes, that is, before the end of July to early September. Olmert made another major tactical error, secretly supporting Barak's election campaign. His election weakens trio Olmert - Ramon-Friedman and their struggle is not so much against the Supreme Court, but also against its president, Dorit Beinish. The winning speech Barak made another very important sentence : "I pledge to use all their knowledge and efforts to strengthen security, strengthening the army and return to Israel deterrent force". This is just a place to recall the cliché "to the people of Israel is very short memory", as almost seven years ago, Prime Minister and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, a new military concept for the army, which stated that the army is not responding to attacks on the Jerusalem neighbourhood of Gilo, and instead of to suppress Palestinian fire, the house must be booked in Gilo, and not to fire at terrorist targets, and abandoned next to them, which makes the army now in Gaza. This is called "fire bases". It may also be recalled, as he embrace with Arafat at Camp David in 2000, when he told the people of Israel, leading it to the world, and, in fact, brought it into the middle of war, which continues unabated to this day. No one, not even his opponents, not Barak reminded of this because none of them is not going to change the concept of Barak. The election of Barak, hardly something can change in the military-political landscape of Israel.
Категория: Avoda | Добавил: usa (14.06.2007)
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