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The man was described as a "grey mouse"
He sent behind bars arbitrator Colombian drug cartels, and saved lives "slit Baron" Michael Cherny. The man was described as a grey mouse ", but his account dozens of shiny operations against mobsters international scale. For years, he was not seen Israeli colleagues, but familiarity with him proud Dutch, British and Spanish detectives. He had a passion for the use of undercover agents, and a very cautious attitude towards journalists. Fondest dream is to create a similar Federal Bureau of Investigation, but now his main concern : how to get money. Informal Biography new geninspektora Israeli police Dudi Cohen. DAC Zakon for NEWSru.co.il. Self-taught secret-agent Future main police throughout their careers not attracted particular attention to any of the superior or colleagues or journalists. He stood out among their peers at school, no distinction, and while serving in landing troops. The treason old Dudi Cohen went to work in his father's footsteps to the police. Thereafter, it followed younger brother Moti. His Wife Mira, he also gathered from police protection. More than a decade Cohen directed most vulgar and gritty job. For some time he was a simple patrol and then deal from citizens and the administration. Only in the late 1980s he was appointed to a position of leadership, and it is largely due to unscheduled change of personnel in the district administration. Cohen was in charge of the police station Gertslii. While a few years in office he has not yet held any "loud" operation, then it is the first time revealed his passion for working with the secret agent, subtleties filerskogo arts and the use proslushivayuschey equipment. The new leader has shown complete indifference to the internecine wars of his deputies, did not seek to make the location higher superiors for further career development. Instead, he allegedly dorvalsya to its natural elements, and together with the main responsibilities personally recruited undercover informants, supervised group monitoring systems, night studying the secret reports and dossiers leaders of local crime. Since then bet on intelligence in the criminal area has been the hallmark handwriting future head of the police. Some of his players seksotov continued to be beneficial in the coming years. A typical example is the "wage-hit", referred to various criminal cases only on the first letter "S", which in XCOM Cohen averted an attempt to businessman Michael Cherny. Initially, in cooperation with razvedchikom-samouchko were mostly small style, ageing prostitutes and drug addicts. Over time, however, in his undercover files created personal affairs major merchants, the 19th and Gan-known athletes. There have already been spearheading Negev district police in April 1997-go Cohen personally recruited former champion country for a classic struggle. After seven months of this resulted in the arrest and prepare indictments soon against 19 major drug traffickers BeerSheba, of which five are considered to be key players in their business across negevskomu region. The target for the mafia After several years of work in Gertslii, not so much predraspolozhennostyam and and the abilities of the candidate, but the Personnel Management, supervisors appointed Cohen commander training courses for police officers. In this role, he stayed little longer and the 1993rd led Central Office (YAMAR) Tel Aviv District. New post has Cohen try himself as a leader of the largest police force and address serious cases of organized crime. He greatly improved skills acquired during his term as head of gertsliyskogo offices, and expanded its informants. Cohen majored in operations against the leaders of illegal gambling and drug mafia. It marked not only the extensive use seksotov, environment monitoring, and "proslushki", but also the introduction of police under various "legends" in criminal groups, and in close co-operation with foreign counterparts. As a result, he successfully a number of unique operations of international magnitude. Thus, in June 1994-go was foiled attempt to recreate a country three tones of hashish, which at the time was the largest party drugs in the history of Israel. Yet within a few months, the unit Cohen harmless group of 15 Israelis, founded in Holland the world's largest underground factory for the production of ecstasy tablets. They have been linked to mafia networks Holland, Denmark, Belgium, a few countries in Eastern Europe and Latin America. Work on the construction factory Israeli traffickers began in July 1993rd, and almost from the outset by a group acting agent Cohen. Moreover, the Chief YaMARa himself arrived in Amsterdam, and was submitted to the factory owners as a reliable supplier of chemicals needed for production. Personally, beaming with "clients" and carefully studied the structure of the enterprise, and then a few days with a Dutch syschikami discussing details of an upcoming joint operations. In September 1994-go all members of the group were arrested, 10 of them in Israel and the rest in Holland and Belgium. In March 1995-go again with the help of secret agent, Cohen was able to "try" two reserve officers of Israeli military intelligence, who prepared an attack on Michael Cherny, and at the end of the year, sent behind bars a prominent Colombian drug mafia Roni Mana. This man had left Israel in the Turks, three years later, was detained by police on Peru for drug trafficking. While opinion tamoshney prison, he had developed very useful links, and within a few years after their release was promoted in the criminal hierarchy of the Latin American region. Top 1990s Man has become an international emissary of the Colombian Cali drug cartels. He was responsible for relations with western European Colombians mobsters and served as an arbitrator in the case of "workplace conflict" between the two sides. The 1993rd Man presided over ambitious transaction, which in Western Europe had been brought in hundreds of tons of marijuana, hashish and cocaine. He unsuccessfully hunted special USA, Holland, Germany and Spain, but ultimately it is Cohen has not only arrest Mana, but to force him to confess to all crimes. As a result, operations against Israeli mobsters who had settled abroad, as well as intelligence agents, Cochen has assembled mass of information on international activities of the leaders of domestic crime. Some of them, as before, and many years later, on a very strange reasons for the police remained out of reach. In August 1995, in front of the guest house Cohen was detonated his car. In the attempt suspected such well-known characters as Zeev Rozenshteyn and one of the family members Alperon. A further six months, apparently believing the head YaMARa too successful, the authorities transferred him to another job. Cohen has been appointed head of the Negev Regional Police. Lovets Bedouin and Caucasians Cohen has been one of the hot regions of the country, and at a time when there occurred another surge in crime. In the year of his appointment to the new position of only serious crimes in the Negev has increased by almost 25%. This has been helped by an extraordinarily complex sotsialno-ekonomiches TH and the demographic situation, as well as the geographical position of the region. Here lie the traditional routes from the south to the north used for smuggling live goods, drugs, weapons, tabachno-sigaretnoy products, gold, and camels. The businesses involved Mafia structure and the intelligence services of Egypt, Sudan, Libya and Iran, as well as criminal gangs, Turkey, the republics of the South Caucasus and Eastern Europe. However, the key role in negevskom transit belongs kin clans Egyptian and Israeli Bedouins. Smuggling to them is a way of life and only source of income. Their work is greatly facilitated by the almost complete lack of security on the border between Egypt and Israel. Compliance with the laws and customs of ancient nomadic tribes, as well as participation in international smuggling, largely determine the role of Bedouin in criminal activity within the Negev. Many of them engage in theft, racketeering, drug trafficking. Moreover, the competition in criminal activities from time to time among the various clans armed confrontations. In addition, during the 1990s Bedouins came under the influence of southern wing of the Islamic Movement of Israeli Arabs, which has prompted more tension between them and the State. Immediately upon entry into the new post Koenu had headlong plunge into the very special atmosphere of the criminal world. Already in July 1996-go he led repression Bedouin unrest in the wake of controversy because the land. Then he had occasions to settle inter-clan conflicts, travel to distant kochevya to negotiate with sheiks, chasing through the desert on smugglers, raiding the Arab and Jewish traffickers. However, shortly before the end of the "business" in the Negev, Cohen suddenly faced with criminals, many superior to its professional standards of local authorities. " This fact was highlighted in the investigation of the case. In May Arirang police station in Beersheba asked businessman, who said that he is under threat unknown, demanding 200,000 dollars. In case of refusal, reketiry promised to blow up a car trader, as well as to kidnap his children and send them to e-mail obrublennye fingers. Police immediately noticed that unidentified possess accurate information about loved ones businessman, his movements and financial situation. It was also found that reketiry used exclusively public telephones. And every time they called from another city, and the length of the conversation is not allowed to fix their exact location. Eventually, it was agreed to accept the transfer of money, after which reketiry were arrested. They were two people from the North Caucasus, just 20 and 25 years. Almost Arirang head of intelligence in the summer Cohen finally came to this exploration, and as soon as the deputy chief. The first two years he concentrated mainly on their favourite areas : organized crime and drug trafficking. But by mid-2000, the usual method was changed under the influence of political events. Even a few months before the start of the intifada, Cohen was appointed head of an ad hoc group whose mission was to prepare contingency plans in case the police deterioration of the situation : from local disturbances to large-scale fighting. The 1993rd, since the beginning of the intifada, has been assigned the responsibility to develop operational plans in the event of a recurrence of the police to widespread unrest Israeli Arabs, as well as coordination on the issue of intelligence, with the General Security Service (Shabak). Contacts Cohen with this structure even more frequent in the autumn of that year, when he led a working group to develop recommendations for improving security measures Parliamentarians, following the assassination of Minister of Tourism Rehavama Zeevi. In the joint meetings of the police and ShABAKa, Cohen met with the then chief of the secret service, the current Minister of Internal Security Avi Dihter. While Cohen, as early in their career, avoided participation in the "palace" intrigues storonilsya policy, and has not sought a powerful patron, at the beginning of his last few positions in the central headquarters markedly increased. A new Inspector-General Shlomo Aharonishki has, which is very loved Cohen and absolutely trust him. In the past few years, they worked together when a new chief of police has led Tel Aviv District, and Cohen conducted the District Central Office. Over the next three and a half years geninspektor sought to move his ladder. Initially Aharonishki nominated Cohen to the post of the Chief of Investigations (AHAK), but this idea does not like the then Minister for Internal Security Shlomo Ben-Ami. Later, the head of the police planned to establish headquarters to coordinate with the Palestinian law enforcement agencies, led by Cohen. However, the idea has not been realized, due to the almost complete lack of civilian police autonomy. Ultimately, in September 2002nd, Aharonishki Cohen raised to the rank of Major General and appointed Chief of the Operational Police Department (AGAM). Successor of Lieberman "scribe" Moving Cohen's career continued under the new Inspector General Moshe Karadi. To a large extent this has been helped by the fact that they were almost peers, and both served in the parachute troops. Moreover, in conjunction with the appointment of the Chief Cohen Negev in 1996-m, Karadi led neighbouring regional management "Lahish." During the next two years, they have met a number of times, with each other's operational and technical issues. Significantly, in July 2004-go Karadi Koenu relying on the leadership of the Southern District, which he headed before taking office geninspektora. But the designation of the required not only with the Minister of Internal Security, but also the head of government. Personages director of the district attached particular importance, since it was assumed that he should be responsible for basic police training to participate in the placement. " The account is not so much experience Cohen in the Negev, but its absolute bias. But these calculations were in vain, and he stayed in his new post only a few months. In late November 2004, on the recommendation of legal adviser to the government, Karadi dismissed Moshe Mizrahi from head of the Directorate. Thus ended sensational saga, which began in 1998-m with silent tapping of telephone conversations of politicians, in particular, Avigdor Lieberman, sanctioned by the then chief of the fight against international crimes (YAHBAL). Now required urgently find a successor Mizrahi. And, for such a sensitive post should pick rights distant from politics, enjoying much confidence geninspektora, as well as an experienced police exploration. These criteria were determined that, in future, planned to integrate Investigation and Intelligence Management. The aim of the reform was to improve coordination between the two main police forces, as well as to intensify the fight against organized crime and corruption in the highest echelons of power. As a result, the head of the new Office will automatically become one of the key players in the entire law enforcement system. In such circumstances, candidate Cohen presented Karadi ideal : loyal, no ambitions absolutely apolitichen. The geninspektor recalled his predecessor's plans to appoint Cohen head of the Directorate, as well as its experience as a deputy chief of intelligence. So in December 2004-go Cohen became the leader not yet prevailed new structure. Honest and had to deal with the development of Investigation-razvedyv ment management. He has developed a detailed plan to implement that plan and began to implement it, especially at the level of leadership of both units. However at the end and his work. Exactly one year Cohen was again moved to a new front against crime, leading the Central District police. National Investigation Department and intelligence and live in the corridors of the central headquarters and the field is left virtually unchanged. Unexpected Chosen Cohen led the Central District in the past year and three months. Once in February 2007-go published an account of Zaylera, threaten sharply criticized the police for criminal gang brothers Farinyan and Karadi said http://www.zakon.co.il/index.php?page=304 resignation, surname Cohen is not even mentioned among the possible successors. The announcement of the appointment of the head of the Central District of the geninspektora a complete surprise not only for the media but also police generals. While the Minister of Internal Security, Avi Dihter did not wish to disclose the reasons that he has made this decision, but certainly they consider that Cohen was not a criticism of Zaylera, and have never been zameshen in any scandal or "dirty" stories. Still, most likely he went to the disengagement from politics and indifference to "razborkam" between different groups in the leadership of the police. However, eks-nachalniku GSS nachinavshemu career in undercover intelligence could not imponirovat constant craving Cohen to work with undercover informants, and his undoubted achievements in this respect. And nobody drew attention to the fact that the new geninspektor and his future deputy Shahar Ayalon from all current police generals to enjoy intimate relations with the General Security Service, at a time when it was chaired by Avi Dihter. Both appointments were actually a compromise between the desire oligarch ShABAKa place at the head of law enforcement for some of the former officers of the service, and claims police recruit candidates from their circle. It is because of a fear of the "hostage" of the police from the General Security Service, the majority of law enforcement officials have welcomed the appointment of Cohen. Of course, there were disagreements, especially among the generals who considered themselves much more suitable for the post. They, and their close, said interacting with journalists that the new geninspektor always been considered a "grey mouse" is not going, denied harizmy and inexperienced. Oddly enough, but this retelling "oblicheny", as well as dry-transfer milestones biographies Cohen, the Israeli journalists were unable to tell the police about a new country is more interesting.
Категория: Government | Добавил: usa (10.05.2007)
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