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Security forces arrested 49 settlers
Security forces arrested 49 settlers during clashes that broke on a road connecting Neguhot and Adorayim in south Mt. Hebron Thursday evening. The fighting erupted when some 100 settlers marched along the road, which passes through Palestinian territory, and demanded that it be opened for Israeli vehicles. According to IDF and police officials, the settlers were told in advance that they were not permitted to hold a demonstration in Palestinian-controlled territory, and forces began arresting the protesters when they did not heed calls to disperse.  The settlers said three demonstrators were injured in the clashes, but police rejected the claim, adding that the protesters jeopardized the safety of soldiers and officers at the scene. Most of the detainees are expected to be released during the night under restrictions. A letter sent by the “Human Rights in Yesha” organization to IDF Central Command chief Yair Naveh said the residents of Neguhot were promised that the road would be opened for Israeli civilian vehicles. The group further claims that a recent High Court ruling said traffic in the area should not be restricted due to the fact that the residents are subjected to Palestinian threats.
Категория: Settlers Not People | Добавил: usa (25.05.2007)
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