The march organizers "Restoration of Homesh : we received permission from the Zah'al
Organisers of the "Restoring Homesh, planners on Monday massive invasion of the former settlements in Northern Samaria, one of the four dismantled at the time of the unilateral disengagement in the summer of 2005, the settlements, said : they were able to reach a consensus with the leadership of Zah'al. This was announced on March 25 site Ha'aretz The Minister of Defence of Israel during his visit to the southern parts of the country, referred to protests "Restoration of Homesh", and said : "We will not allow any illegal activities on the territory evacuated settlements. This is a group of extremists, I am sure that most of the evacuees do not support ", the words quoted by news agency Ynet Peretz stressed that the demonstrators will be multiple power of the security forces against settlers united by the army and police. Earlier on Sunday, Ha'aretz reported that the army command warned organizers shares is not to try to sneak into the former settlements, and the police will file a civil lawsuit against the organizers shares with a claim for the costs associated with this activity. According to the organizers, in Zah'al understand : if the road leading to Homesu, will be blocked demonstrators will be forced to bypass the hostile Israeli Arab villages. Fearing possible consequences of this approach, the army decided to allow the protest march. The Army Israeli Defence denied this and said : The primary objective of Zah'al is to prevent the restoration of Homesh, and the main road will be cut. They also note : the likelihood that the individual demonstrators managed to infiltrate into the settlements, is not excluded. This action initiated wing non-governmental organizations, critics of the settlements of Judea, Samaria and Gaza during the period of segregation. Today, the Council and its rabbis did not support the march. The leaflets distributed the previous day, said : marchers to reach Shavei Shomron ", which will walk in Homesh. Organisers briefed participants on the need to equip run for 48 hours. Earlier this month, residents evacuated in the summer of 2005 settlements Homesh and Sa-Nur (Northern Samaria) sent a letter to the head of government, Ehud Olmert and Defence Minister Amir Peretz. The letter displaced require that the meeting, during which they intend to discuss "the return to the previous place of residence." If that does not happen before the Pesach holiday, the letter threatened lodge a complaint with the Supreme Court of Justice (BAGATZ), and at the same time split tents and live in such a way on the spot settlements. At the end of the letter, which is headed by "Mistakes must be corrected", the signatures of four family-participates movements "Komamuet and Magenei Aret (" Independence "and" Defenders of Israel "). We were chased out of our homes, along with 8,000 other citizens, residents of Gush Katif, in the framework of the so-called" disengagement programme, which led to the trampling of our legitimate rights, Agency quoted excerpts from the letter. - The programme has been endorsed by BAGATZ who believe promise States : caused us damage will be offset by the achievement of the noble goal of the security of the country. Today, we are witnessing a sad torn hopes. Despite the terrible expulsion, a world we have not received official approval to be false, false and completely detached from reality. Thus, the evidence base on which the judge relied BAGATZ the adoption of the decision destroyed to the ground, no "noble goal" our expulsion from being achieved. " The signatories finish his appeal to the conclusion : "Mistakes should be corrected, but because it again rebuild destroyed settlements Northern Samaria. We reiterate Palestinians and Peretz : term of the ultimatum will expire in 45 days. "