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Walk of dissenting blondes
In Nizhny Novgorod women with lighter hair decided to combat defamation and infringement of their rights. In the centre of the city they had "Walk of dissenting blondes".  The campaign is to prove that hair color does not affect the level of intellect. Several dozen women with lighter hair participating shares custody of a dozen policemens on the streets of Nizhny Novgorod. The participants in the Walk carried banners saying : "Blondes-bright head!" "Blondes is not a stamp and contrast!" , "Do not believe Sobchak ( russian "copy" from Paris Hilton), we are not so!" , "Do not give in disgust blondes!" . "Scientists proved that the natural women with black hair  foolish from women with lighter hair. Meanwhile, we are every day faced with a negative attitude towards women  with lighter hair , anecdotes on "blunt instrument" blondes discredit women and violate their rights, "said the head of the organizing committee "Walk of dissenting blondes" Anna Zaytseva. Organizers opposition "Walk of dissenting blondes" to learn Nizhny Novgorod  shares very offended at their women with lighter hair colleagues. Opponents immediately declared "Walk of dissenting blondes" piar-action authorities "to" sense "of ordinary citizens. "Yesterday it was homosexuals, now, hair tomorrow-any fighter," said the committee "Walk of dissenting bondes".  What exactly rousing opponents, and why they are denied girls the right not to be blunt instruments - was unclear. Just feeling the women with lighter hair  umnits and sashimi "spoiler" in vain. History, as we know, always repeats itself twice, in the form of tragedy and farce. And, it seems, the history of "parading dissidents" came to its logical final. But Nizhy Novgorod Walk women with lighter hair  rally albeit the same meaningless, political Walkes in Moscow and Petersburg much simpaty and fun.
Категория: Ridiculous Story | Добавил: usa (24.04.2007)
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