After winning the heart of Leonardo DiKaprio tried to herself Lindsay Lohan, Hollywood actor decided to rest often alone, without their official Israeli pre-pubescent girlfriend Bar Rafaeli. The previous Friday, he was again seen in a nightclub, where merrily spent time in the company Petry Nemkovoy-one of the world's most high fashion models. Incidentally, Petra is one of the models for the American magazine Sports Illustrated. And this Leonardo DiKaprio are consistent, because Bar Rafaeli also Hora for this prestigious publication. Leonardo DiKaprio attended the event as a type. He said the prime minister movie "Gardener of Eden" ( "Paradise gardener"), in which he served as producer. Premerny your picture was also part of the Tribeca Film Festival. The event was attended by director Kevin Konnolay, actors Adrian Grenier, Diddi Andy Roddick and others. Young people held in the club for several hours, from 00:30 to 2:30. All this time, Petra Nemkova diligently followed Leonardo. He, in turn, held on to her waist and gladil her hands. At that time, Bar Rafaeli, Israeli fashion with which Leonardo has more than serious attitude, visited Israel. It is anticipated that during his stay in Israel visiting family Rafaeli Hollywood fiancé proposed Bar arm and the heart. They say also that the young are going to marry this summer. As for the alleged pregnancy fiancee DiKaprio unequivocally rejected these rumours. Recall that the recent Leonardo DiKaprio already proshtrafilsya : he was seen in the society excellent Lindsay Lohan at the party in a fashionable bar in Los Angeles. Lindsay tried all their actions offend an enviable boyfriend, who has not yet entered a long list of knights. It remains unclear whether the move resulted Lindsay success, but she left the bar in unbuttoned jacket. No comments on the conduct of Leonardo DiKaprio Bar Rafaeli has yet been received. Maybe it looks a blind eye to its passage and sees them as buck's night.